SIMRS DHealth is a web-based and Open API software application that was developed through a holistic approach from business capacity to functional systems that comply with Indonesian government regulations and Hospital Accreditation Committee (KARS) standards regarding the administration of patient data and medical records.
The DHealth Hospital Application Solution was launched in 2018 under the auspices of the Docotel Group, and was established as a development company for the PT Citraraya Nusatama health facility application in 2022.
Product Benefit

Well Design
Developed through a comprehensive approach from business capacity to functional systems.

Highly Standardized
The administration process and patient medical records comply with government regulations and are in accordance with KARS standards.

User Friendly
The interface is optimal for easy use and adaptation by doctors, nurses and hospital management.

The application is continuously updated, and can integrate with other applications and solutions (open API).



Rawat Jalan

Rawat Inap

Rawat Darurat

Bedah Sentral


Gudang Farmasi

BPJS Kesehatan

EMR Basic


Adm Radiologi

Adm Laboratorium


Rekam Medis

Sistem Informasi Eksekutif

Gudang Umum

Mobile Registration


Information System

Information System
What is SIMRS Dhealth?
SIMRS (Hospital Management Information System) Dhealth is a web-based application that aims to make it easier for health workers to digitally input actions to medical records and claims at the hospital.
What features does SIMRS Dhealth offer?
The SIMRS Dhealth features offered include electronic medical record management, drug stock management, LIS, RIS, report generation and many more.
What support does the service provider offer?
One of the supports we offer is 24/7 technical support, training on the use of the application which we provide until the PIC is proficient in using the application and also fast response from us to our clients if there are questions or problems.
What is the fee scheme related to using SIMRS Dhealth?
The fees we offer are quite varied and friendly. We offer several options according to Hospital needs:
1. Monthly/Yearly
2. per Patient/KSO
3. Purchase break up
4. e-Catalog
​How can SIMRS Dhealth improve the operational efficiency of hospital health facilities?
In our system, there are 5 key points that we implemented into SIMRS Dhealth to increase efficiency in hospitals: 1. Medical Records (EMR) With more than 70% of clinical documentation created digitally and the data is integrated with each other and can be accessed online.
Casemix (efficient and effective billing claims) A systematic data management process that has been integrated with third party claims, which is able to increase the percentage of successful billing claims.
Electronic Prescribing Format for writing electronic prescriptions for medicines (compounded, non-compounded and chronic) that is standardized and connected directly to the pharmacy department to assist doctors/medical personnel in prescribing medicines digitally.
Inventory & Procurement System: Stock monitoring activities in detail and comprehensively regarding demand, movement, use and other activities, along with stock analysis and inspection processes that can be carried out without stopping hospital service process activities.
Information System (Dashboard Monitoring) Dynamic Analytical Dashboard and Graphics, to carry out the process of monitoring and analyzing activities taking place in the hospital.
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​D'Health is a holistic hospital information system that will give a better experience not only to the patient but also to the doctor, nurse and hospital staff.